- CHECK-IN is at the Dock
Driving Directions
From Interstate 95: Take Exit 89 (Allyn Street/Hwy 614)*. Turn right off the exit if you are coming from I-95 North-bound and left off the exit if you are coming from I-95 South-bound. At the stoplight (1.3 miles), turn left onto US 1. If you wish to park for free at the Church lot, turn left immediately after the Church (part way down the hill) onto High Street. Otherwise, continue to the bottom of the hill and turn right onto Route 215/Water St. In half a block, turn left into the pay parking lot where you see the blue "P" signs (There is also a very large Mystic Museum of Art sign at the entrance). Once parked, follow the instructions in Item 1 or 2 below to check in.
*State Tourism signage on I-95 for Argia directs you to take Exit 90 which is an alternate route that is much longer. If you take Exit 90, follow the tourism signage to Argia.
Parking & Check-in
(Please see map below) Info is subject to change...visit our website for updates
You have two parking lot options. No matter where you park, please be sure that all passengers are checked-in AT THE DOCK by 20 minutes before departure AT THE LATEST, in order to be allowed to board. Check in for your trip begins 30 minutes before departure and ends 20 minutes before departure. The Ticket Purchaser must show a photo ID that matches the credit card used to book.
1. Free Parking in the Union Baptist Parking lot (no Buses!) from 90 minutes before your cruise to 30 minutes after your cruise returns. Put a copy of your email confirmation (with cruise time visible) on your dash, or give us your license plate number when you check in for your cruise. This lot is a block up the hill from the pay lot. Enter "119 High St., Mystic CT" into your GPS.
To reach the ship once you park, walk down Main St. to the Drawbridge. Our dock is on the right, immediately before the Bridge. Check-in for your trip is at the dock and begins 30 minutes before departure and ends 20 minutes before departure. The Ticket Purchaser must show a photo ID that matches the credit card used to book.
*Please be aware that the Church lot is not available for parking during our 9:30 AM cruise on Sundays.
*If you would like to drop off members of your party at the ship or office prior to parking, you may enter the Downtown Pay Parking Lot to do this. The pay lot is free for the first 30 minutes.
2. Mystic Downtown Pay Parking Lot. This lot is immediately adjacent to our dock. It is a credit-or-debit card system (no cash) that accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Enter "9 Water St., Mystic CT" into your GPS. There is a very large "Mystic Museum of Art" sign at the entrance to the lot.
To reach the ship once you park, face the River and then walk to the left to get to Main St. Turn right down Main St. to the Drawbridge. Our dock is on the right, immediately before the Bridge. Check-in for your trip is at the dock and begins 30 minutes before departure and ends 20 minutes before departure. The Ticket Purchaser must show a photo ID that matches the credit card used to book.
Rates: First 1/2 hour: Free 1/2 hour to 1 hour: $5 Each Additional hour: $5 Daily maximum: $25 (24 hours)
We have a modern flush toilet on board. However, passengers must go down a companionway ladder to reach the "head."
If a passenger has limited mobility, he or she may feel more comfortable using a Restroom on shore before boarding.
Public restrooms are located at the entrance to the pay parking lot (in the red brick building) at 17 Water Street or just a few steps across the Bridge from Argia's dock, at 12 Cottrell Street riverside (directly across the River from our dock).